Special Offers
The following offers are in addition to our loyalty scheme, details of which can be found in the Pet Foods section. Most offers on pet foods are limited and so we strongly recommend that you either call or email us to check availability. We will be happy to reserve an offered item for you. And remember, each bag counts towards your loyalty free bag.
Ideal time to try Eukanuba
Trial any 2.5kg or 3kg bag of Eukanuba for just £5 (normal RRP £16.49). If you then buy a larger 12kg we will refund your £5. This is in addition to the £10 refund you will receive if you join the Eukanuba loyalty scheme. See our pet foods section for the full details of the loyalty scheme. (21st December 2016)
Royal Canin – £12.00 off stickered bags of 12kg and 15kg bags
We have a limited supply of 12kg and 15kg bags with £12 off the RRP. (17th December 2016)